Waec Past Questions Pdf Free Download

WAEC Past Questions And Answers Free Download PDF Format. Are you an intending WAEC candidate and you are wondering how you will make it in the examination and obtain good grades? would you love to participate in this year's admission processes in any higher institution in order to gain admission to study any courses of your choice and you are wondering how you would pass WAEC at one sitting so you can proceed to the university? If yes, then we have a proposal that would suit your ambition in this regard. We bring you the WAEC Past Questions And Answers Free Download PDF Format which will help you to achieve the dream of having your complete papers in one sitting with good and outstanding grades.

It is important that you prepare very well for the exams, because as much as we know, before going for any examination, maximum preparation is required to get the necessary success. therefore, you need to have a copy of WAEC Past Questions And Answers Free Download PDF Format to use and prepare adequately for the exams. We will explain what it is all about, how it is patterned to suit your demand and the easiest way to download or get it. Pounds to Naira

 WAEC Past Questions And Answers Free Download PDF Format

What is WAEC Past Questions And Answers Free Download PDF

Let us begin by explaining what this past question and answer is all about. WAEC Past Questions And Answers Free Download PDF Format is the compilation of all the Waec questions in different subjects and years of occurrence that have been given to students to answer as a means to qualify them for the issuance of school certificate and the past question and answer is presented in pdf format.

We have made it very simple, portable, and affordable such that every student can get it or download it as long as they have access to the smartphone. therefore, jamb mathematics past questions are what every intending jamb candidate needs to pass the examination well. Jamb Past Questions And Answer in PDF Format

All those who have gotten our WAEC Past Questions And Answers Free Download PDF Format have been giving testimonies of how it helped them. We are very sure it is going to help you as well. When you get this past question it will definitely help you to score higher than your competitors and give you an edge over them. Pounds to Naira

With the proper use of our original WAEC Past Questions And Answers Free Download PDF Format, you will definitely pass the Waec examination and come out with flying colors smiling so you do not have to worry anymore. This past question comes to you through your email address or Whatsapp once you make payments to purchase it. The downloadable format is going to be in softcopy, you can either choose to download it and read with your android phone or laptop and at your own convenience – wherever and whenever. Jamb Result

How is WAEC Past Questions And Answers Free Download PDF Format Patterned

Normally, the WAEC Past Questions And Answers Free Download PDF Format is in three patterns. The objective, theory, and practical aspects for some subjects. We have made it very easy for you. we bring all the questions for many years and put them together but we indicate the specific years of their occurrence. We provide the correct answers in order to save your time. All you need to do is to devote quality time to study the WAEC Past Questions And Answers Free Download PDF Format and watch yourself change the narrative by scoring better than you expected in the jamb examination. Waec Result

Why You Need A Copy of WAEC Past Questions And Answers Free Download PDF Download

Our candid advice to you is this. if you do not want to keep writing Waec, then get this past question and devote quality time to study it you will be surprised at how good your grades and waec result will be. There are several other reasons why you will need to download/get this past question. But for the purpose of clarity, we will explain a few. You need this past question for the following reasons;

It will also expose you to the questions that have been asked years back as most of those questions and answers get repeated every year while some will just be rephrased. So if you don't have a copy of this past question, then you are losing out.

  1. It, however, provides useful information about the types of questions to expect and helps you prevent unpleasant surprises.
  2. You will be able to detect and answer repeated questions quickly and easily.
  3. You will be able to find out the number of questions you will see in the exams.

WAEC Past Questions And Answers Free Download PDF Sample

In other to know that we are giving out the original JAMB Past Questions And Answers Software in PDF Format, we have decided to give you some free samples as proof of what we said earlier.Jamb Result

Literature in English (Previous Years)

  1. A praise poem is (a) a ballad (b) a panegyric (c) an allegory (d) an epigram
  2. Literary work in which the characters are animals is a (a) lampoon (b) fable (c) parody (d) pantomime
  3. A short single act drama is called (a) opera (b) allusion (c) farce (d) playlet

Use the following line to answer question 4. Through the trees I'll hear a single ringing sound, a cowbell jingle.

4. The underlined is an example of rhyme (a) end (b) feminine (c) internal (d) masculine

Read the following lines and answer questions 5 to 7

Yet, let me flap this bug with gilded wings. This painted child of dirt that stinks and stings

5. The alliteration in stinks and stings effectively conveys (a) distaste (b) admiration (c) indifference (d) approval

6. The poet's intention is to (a) create humor (b) arouse sympathy (c) create fun (d) show contempt

7. The lines illustrate (a) blank verse (b) end rhyme (c) internal rhyme (d) free verse

8. The play on words for literary effect is (a) a paradox (b) a pun (c) a satire (d) an elegy

9. 'It is a matter of sad joy' illustrates (a) metonymy (b) oxymoron (c) euphemism (d) irony

10. The leading character in a literary work is the (a) foil (b) villain (c) antagonist (d) protagonist

11. A long narrative poem that relates heroic exploits is an (a) epilogue (b) epitaph (c) epic (d) epigram

12. Over the cobbles it clattered and crashed is an example of (a) oxymoron (b) pun (c) onomatopoeia (d) paradox

13. An essential feature of drama is (a) soliloquy (b) conflict (c) irony (d) aside

14. A humorous poem with five lines, the first two rhyming with last is (a) an ode (b) sestet (c) octave (d) a limerick

15. Death be not proud, though some have called thee mighty and dreadful is an example of (a) euphemism (b) metaphor (c) apostrophe (d) alliteration

16. An essential part of the plot is (a) characterization (b) exposition (c) atmosphere (d) foreshadow

17. The climax in a literary work is the (a) middle (b) beginning (c) central part of the dialogue (d) peak of the conflict

18. Dramatis personae is the same as (a) chorus (b) prompter (c) foil (d) cast

19. Ten thousand saw I at a glance…..illustrates (a) caesura (b) climax (c) bathos (d) hyperbole

20. Catharsis is normally associated with (a) a pantomime (b) tragedy (c) comedy (d) farce


We did not go to school on that Friday morning. The night before had been rough. It was turbulent and scary. The strange cry "non-indigene must go" rent the air. Little did I know what it meant. That cry all the same haunted me in my sleep. My dreams were horrible. Why was Mum so trouble? Why was Dad suddenly pale and sickly? That night Mum and Dad had a foreboding silence. They looked at each other, they did not smile. They were utterly silent. Their silence spoke millions. Fear ruled the night. When the family belt summoned us to the family altar, it seemed that it tolled its last for the humans. Death smelled in the air, death was in the eyes…..but why? We were not told. Yes, during the prayer at the family altar, Dad has told us there was trouble in town. No one who was a non-indigene was safe.

21. The dominant feeling in the passage is that of (a) hostility (b) anger (c) anxiety (d) bitterness

22. This feeling is conveyed by the use of (a) long sentences (b) visual images (c) tactile images (d) short sentences

23. Their silence spoke millions illustrates (a) oxymoron (b) litotes (c) antithesis (d) assonance.

24. Their family bell summoned us is an example of (a) apostrophe (b) antithesis (c) assonance (d) euphemism

25. The passage is (a) in first person (b) in third person (c) a dialogue (d) a monologue

Read the poem and answer questions 26 to 30

I know not, Amina

When again on your brightness of smile

My eyes will rest awhile.

Nor when again of your softness of voice

My ears will drink by eager choice

When again into the silver moonshine

You early at night or late venture

As is your wont in weather fine

Astute, awake in bed as doters may, I'll lie

Dreaming of grasping your velvety texture

26. The first stanza is a (a) tercet (b) couplet (c) quatrain (d) sestet

27. The poem evokes the senses of (a) smell and sight (b) smell and hearing (c) sight and hearing (d) touch and smell

28. The dominant literary device used in the poem is (a) allusion (b) repetition (c) allegory (d) metonymy

29. The poet's tone is one of (a) anxiety (b) defiance (c) nostalgia (d) regret

30. My ears will drink by eager choice illustrates (a) oxymoron (b) onomatopoeia (c) synecdoche (d) meiosis


Read and extract and answer questions 31 to 35

Speaker:    I think this tale would win my daughter too,

Good Brabantio, take up this mangled matter at the best,

Men do their broken weapons rather use

Than their bare hands.

(Act 1, scene three, lines 171-174)

33. ….…this tale justifies (a) Roderigo's unrequited love for Desdemona (b) Cassio's promotion above lago. (c) Desdemona's attraction to Othello (d) Brabanto's rejection of Othello's love for his daughter.

34. The underlined expression means (a) seek counsel elsewhere (b) wait till the war is ended (c) take your revenge (d) make the best out of this

35. According to the speaker, (a) the tale was good enough to win a woman's heart (b) the right was unnecessary (c) the charges were a waste of time (d) there were other matters demanding the attention of the Senate.

Read extract and answer 36 to 40

Othello:         So please your grace, my ancient;

A man he is of honesty and trust,

To his conveyance I assign my wife,

With what else needful your good grace shall think

To be sent after me.

(Act 1, Scene Three, lines 279-283)

36. Othello is speaking to (a) Brabantio (b) Duke (c) Montano (d) Roderigo

37. The speech illustrates the use of (a) Irony (b) litotes (c) paradox (d) comic relief

38. A man he is of honesty and trust refers to (a) Cassio (b) Lodovico (c) Gratiano (d) lago

39. Othello is leaving to (a) fight in Rhodes (b) make peace with the Turks (c) meet the Governor of Cyprus (d) take over the governorship of Cyprus

40. Othello then (a) leaves with Desdemona (b) entrust Desdemona to lago's care (c) calls his lieutenant (d) confers with the Duke

Read the extract and answer questions 41 to 45

Lago: Mere prattle without practice

Is all his soldiership, But he, sir had th'election

And I, of whom his eyes and seen the proof

At Rhodes, at Cyprus, and on other grounds

…must be belee'd and clamed

By debtor and creditor.

(Act I, Scene One, lines 23-28)

41, His soldiership refers to (a) Roderigo (b) Montano (c) Cassio (d) Brabantio

42. Sir refers to (a) Cassio (b) Roderigo (c) Othello (d) Duke

43. Lago (a) wants to go to Cyprus with Othello (b) does not regard Roderigo as a good soldier (c) is bitter about Cassio's appointment as lieutenant (d) has been placed in charge of Desdemona

44. His eyes refers to (a) Lodovico (b) Cassio (c) Othello (d) Duke

45. The setting is (a) the Castle (b) Cyprus (c) a sea-port (d) Venice

Read the extract and answer question 46 to 50

46. The speaker is (a) lago (b) Othello (c) Brabantio (d) Duke

47. The first two lines express the speakers' (a) loneliness (b) fear (c) confusion (d) regret

48. The speaker has just (a) divorced his wife (b) home from war (c) had a nightmare (d) smothered his wife

49. The speech is provoked by (a) Emillia's call (b) lago's treachery (c) Cassio's confession (d) Desdemona's plea

50. The underlined expression suggests that (a) there is an imminent eclipse (b) life will never be the same again for the speaker (c) nothing will change (d) there is an impending danger for the speaker.

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7 Tips to Prepare for WAEC Exams

  1. Don't make reading your hobby:A lot of people put reading as a hobby in their CV, they might be right because they have finished schooling. But "You" are still schooling, so reading should be in top priority and not as a hobby. Read far and wide to enhance your level of aptitude
  2. Get Exams Preparation Materials:These involve textbooks, dictionaries, Babcock University Post UTME Past Questions and Answers, mock questions, and others. These materials will enhance your mastering of the scope of the exams you are expecting.
  3. Attend Extramural Classes:Register and attend extramural classes at your location. This class will not only help you refresh your memory but will boast your classroom understanding and discoveries of new knowledge.
  4. Sleep when you feel like:When you are preparing for any exams, sleeping is very important because it helps in the consolidation of memory. Caution: Only sleep when you feel like it and don't oversleep.
  5. Make sure you are healthy:Sickness can cause excessive feelings of tiredness and fatigue and will not allow you to concentrate on reading. If you are feeling as if you are not well, report to your parent, a nurse or a doctor. Make sure you are well.Waec Result
  6. Eat when you feel like:During the exam preparation period, you are advised not to overeat, so as to avoid sleep. You need to eat little and light food whenever you feel like eating. Eat more of fruits, drink milk and glucose. This will help you to enhance retention.Npower Recruitment
  7. Reduce your time in social media:Some people live their entire life on Facebook, Twitter, WhatsApp, Messenger chat. This is so bad and catastrophic if you are preparing for exams. Try and reduce your time spent on social media during this time. Maybe after the exams, you can go back and sleep in it.

If you like these tips, consider sharing them with your friends and relatives. Do you have a question or comments? Put it on the comment form below. We will be pleased to hear from you and help you to score as high as possible.

We wish you good luck!

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